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For-Credit MOOC: Best of Both Worlds at MIT?

MIT students reported that taking course online -- instead of same course on campus -- was less stressful than their in-person classes.

MLA Votes to ‘Refrain’ From Backing Israel Boycott

Move -- by 2-to-1 margin -- follows several years of heated debates at association’s annual meetings.

Reset of Rules Aimed at For-Profits Begins

Trump administration will suspend borrower defense and renegotiate gainful employment, two Obama administration rules aimed at reining in for-profit colleges. Moves draw rebukes from Democrats and student advocates.

Tracking Transfer in Connecticut

Bill would require the state’s public universities to release data on credit acceptance for transfer students as well as graduation rates for those students.

Academic Minute: Bio Prospecting

Today on the Academic Minute, Jeffrey Gardner, assistant professor in the department of biological sciences at the University of Maryland...

Another Women's College Will Admit Men

The University of Saint Joseph will admit full-time undergraduate men starting in the fall of 2018 following a decision by...

Winnowing the Field

If nonprofit colleges and universities had been subjected to the same regulatory red tape in their early years as for-profit institutions have been recently, the sector would not have survived, argues William G. Durden.

British Election Restores Tuition Debate

Young voters, angered over what they must pay to attend universities, were a big part of the Labour Party’s revival.