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Facebook, an Online Learning Platform?

New Facebook features intended for developers could, if expanded, turn the social networking site into an online learning platform.

Bipartisan Bill on Competency-Based Education

A bipartisan bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives last week would create a demonstration project for competency-based education...

National Academies Call for Plan on Social Sciences

The National Science Foundation should clearly state the most important questions to be addressed by the social, behavioral and economic...

Court Orders Education Department to End Delay in Ruling on Loan Discharge

A federal district court judge last week ordered the Department of Education to rule within 90 days on an application...

Do DeVos Comments Encourage Anti-Gay Bias?

Many find her claim about “unsettled law” to be dubious and an abdication of her agency's civil rights responsibilities.

Lawmakers Want Estimate of Layoffs From Trump Budget

A group of Democratic lawmakers asked the leaders of seven federal science agencies Friday to estimate the potential work force...

Entry Denied

A professor at the American University of Beirut with two U.S. graduate degrees was refused admission to enter the country to present at a conference.

Was Harvard Correct to Revoke Admissions Offers Over Offensive Posts?

Many experts on admissions and campus race relations say the university did the right thing.