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Irregularities Lead to AP Scores Being Canceled

Hundreds of Advanced Placement tests taken at a high school in California were deemed invalid due to testing irregularities, the...

Princeton Professor Dies While Teaching in India

A Princeton University professor died after a fall last week while leading a course abroad in India. Isabella Clark-Decès (right)...

State Officials Make Legal Threat Against DACA

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and nine other state Republican attorneys general sent a letter Thursday threatening to sue if...

Weekend Warriors

Do weekend warriors get the same health benefits as people who work out regularly? In today's Academic Minute, George Washington...

College vs. the Great Recession

Millennials who graduated college just as the 2008 recession was unfolding fared better economically than their peers did, despite facing increased prospects of underemployment and carrying student loans.

Scientists Who Have Had Enough

Professors and others with science backgrounds are running for Congress, trying to reverse Trump and Republican leaders’ policies.

Oregon Set to Change Qualifications on Promise

Oregon officials are planning to alter the requirements for the state's tuition-free Promise program. The new requirements would cut off...

Gender and Cyberbullying Targets

Female university students are more likely to be ridiculed online about their sexual activity, and men are more likely to...