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Hundreds of Advanced Placement tests taken at a high school in California were deemed invalid due to testing irregularities, the College Board has said.

According to local news reports, more than 500 students at Scripps Ranch High School will have to retake the tests if they want a valid score. In total, 847 tests were invalidated.

The problem, according to the College Board, was the way seating was arranged. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that new seating procedures, introduced two years ago, were not followed. Students taking tests must be at eight-foot-long tables to ensure space between them, and partitions are not allowed. At Scripps Ranch, many students were at six-foot tables, with partitions.

School officials said they thought the College Board’s decision was going too far.

“In my opinion, I think they should have considered a lesser penalty, such as a sanction,” Kevin Besier, a trustee, told the Union Tribune.

Scripps isn’t alone. Another California school notified 177 students last month that they would have to retake their tests, also due to seating irregularities.