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The Digital Highlighter

An open annotation program allows students to explore the humanities in depth, with peers and across classes.

Professors Share Ideas for Building Community in Online Courses

Let students get to know you, require interaction and other strategies.

Social Science Lab Rats

Who says lab work is just for natural scientists? Interdisciplinary social sciences lab at Northeastern U challenges prevailing norms.

Training Instructors to Use Tech Tools

Amy Rottmann and Salena Rabidoux provide six strategies for preparing educators to teach online or with in-class technologies.

Our Zombies, Our Selves

Scott McLemee writes of the recent passing of George A. Romero, the “godfather of zombie film,” and how his work was simultaneously horrific and satirical.

MIT Deems MicroMasters a Success

Administrators at Massachusetts Institute of Technology say they are “floored” by the quality of students in its half online, half in-person master's degree program. Expansion plans are in the works.

Ready to Go Expat?

Britain, Canada, France and Germany all launch funding programs to recruit foreign researchers. Will they succeed in capitalizing on perceptions of the U.S. as a less attractive place for research?