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Unexpected Benefits of Projects in the Humanities: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Benefits of Project-Based Learning Week: Ryan Madan, associate professor of...

Ep. 116: Provosts’ Perspectives on Generative AI, Tenure and Academic Program Cuts

A new episode examines chief academic officers’ views on a range of pressing issues.


How and When Might the Great AI Job Replacement Take Place?

While there are isolated examples of wholesale layoffs among a few individual companies, the broad scale loss of jobs has not yet materialized.


The True Crisis of the Humanities

No longer are engagement with serious texts, weighty intellectual and ethical issues, and the arts central to a college education.

“Holding It Together” book cover with black and red text, paired with a Zoom screenshot of author Jessica Calarco.

‘Holding it Together’ 

Sociologist Jessica Calarco talks about her new book on America’s lack of a real social safety net and the implications for student success.

Foxx, Cassidy Accuse Biden Administration of Obstructing FAFSA Investigation

Leading Congressional Republicans say the Biden administration has failed to comply with the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s investigation into the...
Young man focusing on his phone while other students pass by

Limited Data on Effectiveness of Online Mental Health Offerings for College Students

A new study evaluates nine common digital mental health interventions to gauge their effectiveness in supporting students—and finds that, across the field, there is little significant research on interventions in general or on specific tools.

A student looks at a table of snacks at City College of San Francisco.

Many California Students Eligible for CalFresh but a Fraction Enroll

A new report estimates that hundreds of thousands of California students qualify for the state’s food program but don’t access the benefits.