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Scholars or Spies?

Foreign agents are targeting research at American academic institutions, write Representatives Lamar Smith and Clay Higgins, and universities must take steps to guard against theft of sensitive information.

Senate Jump-Starts Process for New Career-Education Law

Bipartisan agreement to reauthorize Perkins Career and Technical Education law would give more authority to states to determine progress of federal skills training program.

Audit Raises Money-Management Issues at Stevens Point

The University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point has cited enrollment drops and limited state funds to explain its controversial decision...

More Activity During Recess

Kids love recess. Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Missouri Week, Steve Ball describes how to ensure...

Dark Side of a Scholarly Meeting

Tweet about preventing sexual assault of a colleague too drunk to give consent renews discussion of the environment at scholarly meetings.

Valparaiso Law School May Move to Tennessee

Middle Tennessee State University has received a nonbinding letter of intent from Valparaiso Law School, a part of Valparaiso University...

$95 Million Michigan Investment Draws Scrutiny

A former pension manager barred by the Securities and Exchange Commission convinced a former colleague to invest millions from the...

Academic Minute: More Activity During Recess

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Missouri Week, Steve Ball, professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at...