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Mental Health Support for Students

We need a better way to determine which students need mental health screenings. Today on the Academic Minute, part of...

Restructuring Tenure Away

Vermont Law School plans to cut professors' tenure to deal with budgetary concerns. Skeptics wonder if it will hurt the institution more than it helps.

First-Generation College Students More Engaged Than Peers

New survey data challenge perceptions about first-generation college students, showing strong academic engagement and commitment to college. But the group lagged behind their peers in social comfort and resiliency.

Google Launches IT Certificate at Community Colleges

Google announced Monday that it is introducing a professional certificate in IT support at more than 25 community colleges in...

Academic Minute: Mental Health Support for Students

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Missouri Week, Melissa Maras, a researcher in Missouri's college of education...

U Michigan Lecturers Win Big Raises in Tentative Contract

The American Federation of Teachers-affiliated lecturers’ union for the University of Michigan’s campuses at Flint, Ann Arbor and Dearborn reached...

A Verdict That Could Have Changed the Tide

One of the most visible concussion cases against the NCAA went to a jury trial for only three days, but experts say the association's problems are not over.

Scholars or Spies?

Foreign agents are targeting research at American academic institutions, write Representatives Lamar Smith and Clay Higgins, and universities must take steps to guard against theft of sensitive information.