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British University Defends Scholarships for Refugees

The University of Reading, in Britain, is attracting much praise for its response to those questioning its decision to offer...

Academic Minute: Last of the Italian Grizzlies

Today on the Academic Minute, Roger Thompson, associate professor of writing and rhetoric at Stony Brook University, discusses bears in...

It's Time to Talk Sustainability

It's better for historically black colleges and universities to consider merging than to close in disgrace, argues Harry L. Williams.

Purdue Will Not Punish Professor Who Shared Blackface Throwback Photo

Purdue University will not punish a faculty member who posted a photo of herself on Facebook in blackface, NewsOne reported...

Vision or Mirage in Saudi Arabia?

Country makes large investments in universities, but experts say cultural issues could limit progress.

Looking the Other Way, Again?

Former Ohio State athletes have accused GOP congressman Jim Jordan of not acting when they were sexually abused by a now-deceased team doctor.

Preparation Is the Secret Sauce for Writing a Great Senior Thesis

Senior theses are widely used to let students demonstrate what they've learned in undergrad, but the factors that lead to a high-quality product are not what you might expect, researchers say.


Be careful with your fireworks this year. In today's Academic Minute, Ohio State University's Jay Zagorsky says more fireworks are...