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'Black Panther' and African History

Marvel’s Black Panther has been a worldwide sensation. In today's Academic Minute, Ellen Stockstill of Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg...

Lies, Damned Lies and Rankings

Temple reveals that scandal over false information submitted for rankings of its online M.B.A. was much broader than earlier known. Dean, found to have dismantled system for checking accuracy of data, is ousted.

When Faculty Lines Pay for Themselves

Facing a budget cut and clogged general education courses, Stephen F. Austin optimized its course schedule to add faculty lines that paid for themselves, and then some.

Canvas Catches, and Maybe Passes, Blackboard

Blackboard dominated the U.S. learning management system market for 20 years, but new data show its cloud-based competitor edging past it.

Report on Censorship of Art on Campus

"One Man's Vulgarity" is the name of a report being issued today by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education...

A Broken System at Ohio State

The university shut down its comprehensive sexual assault unit after complaints of mismanagement and potential retraumatization of survivors -- and experts question whether the model can be successful at all.

‘An Inclusive Academy’

Authors discuss their new book that suggests most colleges can do more to diversify their faculties.

Study Shows How Working Community College Students Fared

Newly released federal data show that a large portion of students enrolled at public, two-year colleges in 2011-12 worked during...