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Grief isn’t always private in the age of social media. In today's Academic Minute, part of Siena College Week, Carla...

A Shift for Koch, but How Much of a Shift?

The Charles Koch Foundation pledges to make future grant terms public, but critics still want to know more about past agreements -- specifically whether they allowed the foundation a role in faculty hiring or curricular decisions.

Does the Attorney General Care When Republicans Squelch Expression?

Jeff Sessions gives another speech denouncing campuses for failing to permit all viewpoints to be heard. When it comes to recent incident at University of Kansas, he's not talking.

The Democratic Alternative

The minority party offers its take on the Higher Education Act, including free community college, larger Pell Grants and tougher accountability -- including regulations targeting for-profit colleges.

Ivy League Degree for the Nontraditional Student

Coursera expands its online degree push for working adults, this time going Ivy League, with a new master's in computer and information technology from the University of Pennsylvania.

Calculating (and Acknowledging) the Costs of OER

Open resources offer many potential benefits to students, but the institutional costs are real, too. One college offers a look into the math.

One-Stop Shopping for (Free) Virtual Reality Content

Instructors at Drexel University can sift through more than 250,000 pieces of virtual reality content in a repository the institution bills as the first of its kind.

Spotlight on Innovation: Coastline Community College

A two-year college in California took a leap forward with professional development efforts geared toward online.