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Fallout From Silent Sam Removal

Carol Folt, chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said in a press briefing Thursday afternoon that...

Tens of Thousands of Adults Line Up for Free College in Tennessee

Tennessee's tuition-free community college program is proving popular with adults.

A Woman’s Education: Remembering Jill Conway

Her legacy -- found in both her leadership of Smith College and her writings -- challenges all educators, writes Donal O’Shea.

Far Right Turns Fire on German Universities

Using tropes common in the U.S. and Britain, the Alternative for Germany has accused institutions of being in thrall to the far left.

Patience Across Cultures

The meaning of patience is not consistent across cultures. In today's Academic Minute, the University of North Florida's C. Dominik...

Questioning the Evidence

A higher ed researcher cited by Betsy DeVos to justify dropping gainful-employment rule says her work actually backed more stringent standards.

Who Owns Faculty Work at Purdue Global?

AAUP releases a nondisclosure agreement professors must sign that appears to bar them from sharing much of anything or criticizing the program after they leave.

A Private University Matches Public Prices

Oglethorpe aims to win academically strong students by aligning tuition with their states' flagships.