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Renewed Scrutiny of Michigan Investment Practices

Questions are again being raised about the University of Michigan's investment practices and potential conflicts of interests between the institution...

Kavanaugh Evades Questions on Affirmative Action

Judge Brett Kavanaugh (at right) provided answers to numerous questions from senators about the Supreme Court nominee's views on many...

ACT Announces Retest Over Glitches

The first ACT which was exclusively computer based at international testing centers, given last weekend featured glitches that prevented some...

Academic Minute: The Great Broadband Divide

Today on the Academic Minute: Michelle Watts, faculty director and assistant professor in the school of security and global studies...

Distant Early Warning

Masterpiece or not, William S. Burroughs' "The Revised Boy Scout Manual": An Electronic Revolution fills a puzzling lacuna in the Beat author's bibliography, writes Scott McLemee.

Challenge for German Universities' Pacifism

Many institutions shun military research, but government wants their help in bolstering defenses.

The Kids Are All White

University of Maryland's counseling center is criticized for a flier advertising a support group for white students who want to learn about race.

Pomp, Circumstance and a Little Less Personality

University of Florida is eliminating graduation ceremonies featuring every graduate walking across the stage. Many students are angry and see a link to dispute that set off racial debate at spring ceremony.