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NCAA Punishes Charleston Southern

Charleston Southern University has agreed to reduce its football scholarship funds and vacate records from games in which ineligible athletes...

A Faculty Plea: Put Books Back in the Bookstore

Unhappy with a new online-only book ordering system, professors at Middlebury College are calling for books to be put back on the shelves of their college bookstore.

Academic Minute: Seasoning Sickness

Today on the Academic Minute, Suman Seth, associate professor in the department of science and technological studies at Cornell University...

Parental Education Linked to Interest in Grad School

Undergraduates are more likely to consider going to graduate school if at least one of their parents did so, according...

Consortia Show Signs of Strength

A few state- or systemwide organizations supporting digital learning have closed in recent years, but those left standing have solidified their value, according to a new WCET report.

New Haven to Continue Partnership With Saudi College

The University of New Haven is resisting calls to sever its relationship with a Saudi Arabian security college in the...

Google Enters the Fray

The company is offering its computer science curriculum -- and kicking in some funds -- to 10 institutions this academic year, with more to follow.

Thanks for the Memories

As the recent Senate confirmation hearings for the U.S. Supreme Court demonstrated, yearbooks are documents that can go beyond casual nostalgia, writes John R. Thelin.