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Academic Minute: Open Educational Resources at Community Colleges

Today on the Academic Minute, William Blick, assistant professor at Queensborough Community College, examines one way to accomplish the goal...

Utah Valley Settles Title IX Official's Whistle-Blower Suit

Utah Valley University paid $45,000 to settle a lawsuit in which the former director of its Title IX office claimed...

U Liverpool Aborts Egypt Campus Plans

The University of Liverpool is abandoning plans to open a campus in Egypt after coming under criticism from academics who...

Neuroscientist on Leave over Rape Allegations

David Sweatt, Allan D. Bass Chair in Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University, is on leave over accusations that he drugged and...

Capital Campaign Watch: Carleton, Juniata, Kenyon, Lehigh, Roanoke, U of the Arts, Wofford

Starting Off: Carleton College is starting a campaign to raise $400 million by 2021. The college has raised $315 million...

One Day After Return, Durkin Fired at Maryland

Controversial head football coach is out at the state's flagship institution after retiring president Wallace Loh met with campus constituents, who were displeased with Tuesday's decision.

Don't Panic About GDPR, Colleges Are Told

Many U.S. higher education institutions are still grappling with how to comply with European Union data-privacy rules, but so far none have come under scrutiny.

A Look Into Small-Time Athletics

A new report finds that institutions in the Council of Independent Colleges -- which generally compete in Division III -- have greatly increased the number of sports they offer.