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Giving Classroom Experiences (Like VR) More … Dimension

Institutions are forging ahead with virtual and augmented reality and 3-D printing in the classroom -- and learning in the process how best to approach those initiatives.

New Data on Adjunct Instructors

TIAA Institute on Thursday published findings of a national survey of more than 500 adjunct faculty members. The majority of...

Academic Minute: Atheists and Believers During Bereavement

Today on the Academic Minute, Jacob Sawyer, assistant professor of psychology at Penn State Mont Alto, explores whether a belief...

The Book at the End of the World

Scott McLemee reviews Timothy Beal's The Book of Revelation: A Biography.

Student Affairs Is a Diverse Profession

New report finds officials are generally more diverse than other professions in higher education.

Open Educational Resources at Community Colleges

Reducing the cost of textbooks is key for lower-income students. In today's Academic Minute, Queensborough Community College's William Blick examines...

Should Professors Teach More to Avoid Program Cuts?

At one campus doing so, many adjuncts will lose positions, but departments aren't being eliminated.

How a False Statistic on Sexual Harassment Spreads

University seeks to contain (self-inflicted) damage from news article and report mistakenly asserting that more than half of students have been harassed by professors.