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For-Profit Suit Against Education Dept. Dismissed

A federal judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit brought by a for-profit college chain seeking to assure access to Title...

The Great Recession and Higher Education

The Great Recession could hurt college admissions in the near future. In today's Academic Minute, part of Carleton College Week...

Another Private College on the Brink

Iowa Wesleyan warns students and faculty members that it may not open for spring semester without infusion of funds.

Open Searches and Diversity

Hoping to increase faculty diversity, UC Davis is holding eight open searches focused on candidates' contributions to diversity, instead of narrow disciplinary expertise.

Confronting 'It's OK to Be White' Posters

Over 10 days, posters have appeared at nine American campuses.

Faculty Resignations at Bradley U

Soo Ahn, chair of electrical and computer engineering at Bradley University in Illinois, is resigning, following calls that he be...

Ethical College Admissions: Are We Devo?

Every now and then, colleges make the application process easier for students, but like one-hit wonder musical groups, they don't build on their momentum, writes Jim Jump.

Students Call for Racist Classmate to Be Expelled

Several students at the law school of North Carolina Central University, a historically black institution, are calling for a white...