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Bombshell Lawsuit Against Dartmouth

Federal complaint says college repeatedly ignored reports of three former professors' "Animal House" behavior in harassing students.

Iowa Wesleyan Will Continue, Seeks Partnerships

Iowa Wesleyan University, which last month announced that it might be forced to shut down, is going to try to...

Warning of Threats for Researchers in U.A.E.

Safety conditions for researchers conducting fieldwork in the United Arab Emirates are deteriorating, the Middle East Studies Association’s Board of...

Rutgers Reverses Finding on Professor's Remark on White People

Rutgers University has reversed course regarding a white professor who said he was resigning from his race after visiting a...

‘The Assault on Gender and Gender Studies’

The American Association of University Professors’ Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and its Committee on Women in the Academic...

Police Investigate Suspected Sabotage of China Scholar's Car

Police in New Zealand are investigating suspected efforts to sabotage a car owned by a prominent scholar who studies China’s...

Statewide Data on OER Savings

North Dakota students saved more than $1 million on textbooks after the state invested just $110,000 to help instructors use open educational resources. Audit identifies successes and ongoing challenges.

Head of Private College Group to Retire

David L. Warren has led the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities since 1993, lobbying aggressively for his members and their students.