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Academic Minute: Cars and Government Regulations

Today on the Academic Minute, John Heitmann, professor of history at the University of Dayton, explores how we reshaped the...

Hopkins Still Figuring Out Its Post-Gift Recruiting Strategy

When megagift from Bloomberg was announced, university gave itself a goal for enrolling Pell-eligible students. How will it get there?

Higher Education Needs New Models

We must provide better and more affordable opportunities for more people, writes Matthew S. Holland, citing a "dual-mission" approach as one example.

Brazilian Academics Vow to Resist Threats to Freedom

Campuses have been stormed by military police. Students are being encouraged to report on instructors.

Two Ways of Time Estimation

There is more than one way to think of time. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Toronto's Jing Hu...

Future of Football

The NFL’s profits may be booming, but a reduction in youth players is also looming. In today's Academic Minute, Newbury...

Seattle U Law School Suspends ICE Externship

The law school at Seattle University has suspended an externship option for students with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known...

Bland Beer

Ready to belly up to the bar for another bland beer? In today's Academic Minute, SUNY Oswego's Ranjit Dighe explores...