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Black Student Protest at Brown: 50 Years Ago and Today

Fifty years after black students walked out of classes at Brown University to demand that it increase their numbers, black...

Collapse of For-Profit Chain Long in the Making

Shutdown of 70-campus Education Corporation of America is largest closure since collapse of Corinthian Colleges and ITT Tech. Now many students will face similar questions over educational futures and debt.

Comedy Cut Off at Columbia

Students at Columbia University interrupted routine of former Saturday Night Live writer they invited to perform at a cultural event after deeming his jokes too offensive.

A Very Mixed Record on Grad Student Mental Health

New studies find variation by departments, with many findings of significant rates of depression and anxiety.

‘We Will Survive -- Absolutely, We Will Survive’

The deadly Camp Fire barely touched rural Butte College in Northern California -- but it likely changed the two-year college forever as hundreds of students, staff and faculty members lost everything.

Agencies at Loggerheads Over Gainful-Employment Data

Gainful employment remains on the books, but Trump administration says it can't enforce the career-education rule because another federal agency won't release data on graduates' earnings.

Academe Must Challenge the Skeptics of Expertise

The more academics seek to inform and shape policy, the more they must confront efforts to undermine their influence, writes Linda Stamato.

Compilation on Agile Teaching

Inside Higher Ed is pleased to release today our latest print-on-demand compilation, "Agile Teaching." You may download a copy here...