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Tracking Bacteria in Water Sources

Microorganisms can cause big problems in a water source. In today's Academic Minute, part of Roanoke College Week, Brooks Crozier...

Redefining the Obligation to Protect Students

Federal appeals court revives lawsuit charging U of Mary Washington failed to address anonymous online harassment of feminist students.

‘Why Didn’t I Get an A?’

How do professors respond to regrade requests? One department encourages instructors to pass them up the chain.

When Visions of Mission Collide

When we take positions and make decisions based on a political litmus test, we hurt the very core of our institutional mission, argues Raynard Kington.

Duke VP Criticized for Facebook Post

Amid criticism, he deleted the post about China and his Facebook page.

DeVos Outlines ‘Rethinking’ of Higher Education

Secretary and Education Department officials today outline plans for looming accreditation reform negotiation, describing focus on credit transfer and credential inflation.

High Price of Prevention

Johns Hopkins researchers have calculated that requiring all college students to be vaccinated against meningitis B would not be cost-effective.