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Words to Use in 2019

Lake Superior State University marks the end of each year by providing a list of words and phrases to banish...

2 New Hampshire Colleges Will Merge in 2 Steps

A merger between two institutions in New Hampshire will follow a two-step process that will begin with New England College...

Academic Minute: Quantum Supremacy

Today on the Academic Minute, as "Best of" Week continues, Sebastian Deffner, an assistant professor of physics at the University...

Potential Breakthrough Against Racist Trolling

Advocates hope a new legal settlement between a former neo-Nazi and a black college student may help other students who find themselves facing digital hate.

The Health of the English Major

Kent Cartwright examines some of the strengths and weaknesses of the English major and reports that the news is not all bad.

Casting Public Imagination for the Evolving Major

A decline in the English major is a crisis not of marketing but rather of public imagination, argues Jennifer Clifton.

Patterns of Student Protest

College leaders often aren't the top hindrance to campus protests that have proliferated in recent years -- holiday breaks, finals week and graduation tend to be the biggest challenge for student activists.