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(Early) Signs of (Modest) Online Saturation

Does a small decline in the share of all academic programs that are delivered at a distance suggest that online has peaked?

The Language of MOOCs

Can providers of massive open online courses achieve their goal of educating the most possible people when their offerings are overwhelmingly in English? No, Roberto Rey Agudo argues.

Borrowing Increases Most Among Wealthy Students

A newly released analysis of federal data found that student debt levels increased most among affluent students in the four...

Academic Minute: Students and the Big Picture

Today on the Academic Minute, Lynn Ulatowski, assistant professor of biology at Ursuline College, describes one method of getting students...

Closing Confucius Institutes

The tide may be turning for the Chinese government-funded centers of Chinese language and cultural education as universities grapple with calls from Washington to close the institutes down. Over past year at least 10 have closed or announced plans to close.

New Additions to Top Leadership at Education Department

The Education Department announced more than 20 new hires Tuesday, including additions to the top leadership for higher ed programs...

Paper Cuts and Pain

Why do paper cuts hurt so much? In today's Academic Minute, Texas A&M University's Gabe Neal discusses why small slices...

Shutdown Headaches for University Researchers

Prolonged shutdown delays funding timeline for federal research grants and disrupts travel plans for many scientists. But the worst for research institutions could be ahead.