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Evening Things Out

New research says some straightforward interventions are effective in addressing faculty workload disparities.

Academic Minute: Antibiotic Resistance

Today on the Academic Minute, part of New York Institute of Technology Week, Bryan Gibb, assistant professor of life sciences...

Help Update Our Higher Ed Poetry Magnets

Inside Higher Ed gives away poetry magnets at many of the events we attend (and to visitors to our office)...

Speak Softly… or at Least Speak English

Policing international students’ speech and threatening them with discrimination for speaking their own language is abhorrent, writes Susan D. Blum.

Historians Call for Release of Nicaraguan Professor

The leadership of the American Historical Association wrote last week to Nicaraguan authorities urging them to release Ricardo Baltodano Marcenaro...

Professor Apologizes for Comments on ‘Test Anxiety’

Jeffrey McCutcheon, associate professor of chemical engineering at the University of Connecticut, apologized for publicly questioning whether he should have...

Faculty Pay Gaps Over a Lifetime

Gender equity initiatives have cut the salary gap between male and female faculty members at the Johns Hopkins University School...

Digital Learning in 'Inside Higher Ed' This Week

Among the topics: competency-based education spreads slowly; Gates encourages cross-institutional collaboration; OER as survival strategy.