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Amazon Cancels Plans for New York Headquarters

Amazon will not build a new headquarters in New York City following backlash from local lawmakers over $3 billion in...

Court Backs Pitt's Right to Reduce Professor's Pay

The University of Pittsburgh did not violate a professor's right to due process or deprive him of a property right...

Academic Minute: Black Freedom in the West

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Arcadia University Week, Kalenda Eaton, associate professor of English, examines how different countries...

Oklahoma Ex-President Investigated for Harassment

The University of Oklahoma has hired a law firm to investigate whether David Boren, who was president from 1994 until...

Chinese Students Contact Embassy Over Talk

Angered by a talk by a Uighur activist, a group of Chinese students at McMaster University, in Ontario, contacted Chinese...

Mental Mapping in Divided Societies

Removing physical barriers doesn’t always alleviate social ones. In today's Academic Minute, part of Arcadia University Week, Warren Haffar studies...

Democratic Contenders' Record on Higher Ed

The 2016 Democratic primary was defined in part by free college. But contenders seeking the party's nomination in 2020 have focused on a wide range of issues in higher ed, including debt relief, for-profits and sexual misconduct.

Saudi Students' Flights From U.S. Justice

The Oregonian reports on a series of cases in which Saudi students at U.S. colleges were accused of crimes but disappeared before facing U.S. criminal charges. Two senators introduce legislation calling for investigation of Saudi government's role.