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The Best Education Isn't Cost-Effective

Hampshire’s model provides excellent education precisely because it is not efficient, argues Falguni A. Sheth, and that's why we need to protect it.

Hampshire College: Fold, Don’t Merge

Michael Drucker proposes what he thinks would be an ethical conclusion to the experimental college.

Politicians and Dissent

Want to ask a politician a tough question? Good luck. In today's Academic Minute, Colgate University's Alicia Simmons explores why...

‘Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?’

Dickinson student's essay sets off intense debate there and elsewhere about who dominates classroom discussions. While piece has been pummeled in conservative blogosphere, issues related to who speaks in class concern many in academe.

The Impact of Faculty Attitudes About Intelligence

Students have better educational outcomes in courses taught by those who have "growth mind-sets" than those who believe intelligence is fixed. For minority students, achievement gaps are cut in half.

Closing Arguments in the Harvard Case

Lawyers defending and opposing affirmative action make their final pitches to judge in case that could have major impact on higher education. The debate on personal ratings of Asian American applicants could be crucial.

Ethical College Admissions: Boston College's Shift on Early Admissions

The college's new approach raises questions about early admissions generally, writes Jim Jump.

Report: 10 Common Gaps in Student Supports

A new analysis from Inside Track, a student coaching nonprofit, seeks to identify the 10 most common student support challenges...