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The Geographical Life of West African Villages

What constitutes a village in rural Africa? In today's Academic Minute, part of Grinnell College Week, Leif Brottem explains why...

‘The Time for Engagement’

Henry Reichman discusses his new book on the future of academic freedom, in which he argues that that future "is up to us."

Partial, and Uneven, Recovery From Recession

An early look at state and local higher education funding finds that recovery since the recession has been uneven, with just nine states in 2018 back to pre-recession funding levels -- meanwhile, another 11 have seen no recovery at all.

Positive Mind-Set Tied to Engagement, GPA

Community college students perform better and are more engaged when they have a positive attitude, or "growth mind-set," about learning and improving.

Moving Forward (at Last) on Federal Rule Changes

Negotiators reached consensus on issues such as "regular and substantive" interaction and state authorization. Experts on online learning say the new rules will provide needed clarifications, but advocates for students worry about potential abuses.

Online Enabler Aims for Lifelong Learning

2U adds boot camps to its offerings of online graduate degrees and courses with $750 million acquisition of Trilogy.

George Washington U Debates Colonials Name

Students at George Washington University have voted to urge the removal of the Colonials name from the university's athletic teams...

Academic Minute: Geography in West Africa

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Grinnell College Week, Leif Brottem, assistant professor of global development studies, explores the...