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Economic Development Incentives

Does incentive spending really take from the rich and give to the poor? In today's Academic Minute, part of University...

Crisis for Another For-Profit

National American University will close campuses and focus on online programs in response to declining enrollments. But the for-profit chain's finances have drawn scrutiny from regulators.

Scrutiny of a Financial Relationship

When an Arizona State professor accused the university of an unethical partnership with Cengage, the university denied it received grants from the company. But there was a financial relationship that wasn't revealed at the time. Students seek more details.

‘Foolish and Dangerous Attraction’ or Harassment

If a professor is barred from hitting on a student, is it OK the moment she becomes a former student?

Work-Study Doesn’t Work

The debate about cleaning toilets at Harvard obscures a larger issue, Ryan Craig argues: Why don't we use federal dollars to incentivize work that actually matters?

Notes from the Underground

Scott McLemee reviews Vice, Crime and Poverty by Dominique Kalifa.

Arrest for Threats to Professor Who Defends Abortion Rights

A Rhode Island man has been arrested for allegedly sending violent and threatening email messages to a professor who has...

Chinese Students, Scholars Report Visa Delays

Hundreds of Chinese students studying in the U.S. have faced delays in renewing their student visas after a policy change...