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The Nudges That Didn't Work

A large project sought to determine if information and reminders could change the college-going patterns of high-ability, low-income students. The patterns didn't change.

Report on State of Postsecondary Education in Prisons

A new report from Ithaka S+R attempts to survey the landscape for postsecondary education in prisons. As did another recently...

Professor Who Called Students Fat and Joked About Shooting Them Resigns

Hikmet Budak resigned his endowed chair in plant sciences and left Montana State University after an internal investigation determined that...

Professor Accused of Calling a Student a ‘Terrorist’

Dimitris Achlioptas, professor of computer science and engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz, is on leave as the...

Legal Challenge to Arkansas's New Tenure Policy

Revisions to the University of Arkansas system’s tenure policy violate faculty due process rights in retroactively modifying contracts, according to...

Ethical College Admissions: Oklahoma Unranked

The false data reported by the University of Oklahoma for years raises questions about more than one institution's dishonesty, writes Jim Jump.

Virginia Tech Will Pay Some New Students to Delay

Virginia Tech is expecting hundreds of extra freshmen to enroll this fall, so the university is offering many of them...

Forensic Misconduct

Forensic science still has a fallibility -- people. In today's Academic Minute, Montclair State University's Jessica Henry explores what can...