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Johns Hopkins to Pay $14M to Settle Pension Lawsuit

Johns Hopkins University has become the latest research university to reach a multimillion-dollar settlement with current and former employees who...

Ex-Dean in Nassar Case Sentenced to Year in Jail

A former Michigan State University dean who supervised Larry Nassar has been sentenced to a jail term of a year...

The Global Evidence Against Free College

Countries that provide more public funding for higher education tend to have fewer graduates over all, a new study asserts.

New Mothers and PTSD

An unexpected group can also experience the symptoms of PTSD. In today's Academic Minute, Notre Dame de Namur University's Helen...

A Deadlocked Board

Wayne State University's governing board, split into two equal factions, considers how to move forward after months of continuous and damaging infighting.

N-Word at the New School

Another professor is under fire for using the slur in class while discussing a work by James Baldwin. Should universities pursue cases against instructors who use the word in a teaching context, not as a weapon?

‘Safe Enough Spaces’

Author discusses new book on inclusion, free speech and political correctness on campus.

Court Orders Recognition of Pro-Palestinian Student Group

Judge overturns Fordham University's decision to deny recognition to Students for Justice in Palestine chapter due to concerns about its political agenda and the potential for polarization.