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Veterans Turn Sights to 90-10 Rule

Veterans' organizations see negotiations over the Higher Education Act as an opportunity to tighten a federal exemption they say makes service members target of aggressive marketing by for-profit colleges.

Is International Student Drop Trump's Fault? Only Partially

Last year’s 6.6 percent drop in enrollment of international students at American colleges is due to more than just apprehensions...

Belief in Gender Bias and Promotions for Women

A new study based on actual academic hiring data says that committees whose members don't believe in gender bias are...

Rhodes Settles Sex Assault Lawsuits

Rhodes College has settled with two students who were expelled after being accused of sexually assaulting a woman at a...

Senate Democrats Oppose Industry-Recognized Apprenticeships

Forty-three Senate Democrats, as well as Independents Bernie Sanders and Angus King, wrote Monday that a Trump administration proposal to...

Academic Minute: Youth Music Programs and the 5 C’s

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Back to School Week, Michelle Hospital, research associate professor in the department of...

Minority Students and Science Achievement

Those who teach and learn science could use more diversity. In today's Academic Minute, part of Back to School Week...