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College Readiness Among Hispanic Students

New research from ACT's Center for Equity in Learning and Hispanic media company Univision Communications Inc. has produced three recommendations...

Calif. Students Struggle With College Costs

A majority of college students in California believe that college costs and balancing school with work inhibit their ability to...

Evaluating the Genuine Fake

Scott McLemee reviews Lydia Pyne's Genuine Fakes: How Phony Things Teach Us About Real Stuff.

New Student-Centered Ph.D. Initiative by AAU

The Association of American Universities on Thursday launched a new program to help universities better prepare Ph.D. students for a...

Academic Minute: Student Loan Debt Crisis

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Westminster (Utah) College Week, James (Cid) Seidelman, distinguished service professor of economics, examines...

Academic Writing as Fantasy Role Playing Game

Gaming could help in your college writing course. In today's Academic Minute, part of Westminster College Week, Christopher LeCluyse explains...

Will Transparency Ward Off Regulation?

Online program management companies are feeling the heat. 2U, the sector's most visible player, hopes releasing significant data about finances and outcomes will make help make their case.

Avoiding the Red Zone

Colleges try to combat the sexual assaults that spike at the start of each academic year, but experts say many officials don't give students sufficient training to protect themselves or vulnerable peers.