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Tapping Coaches to Help Re-Enroll Students

The Texas A&M system is using ReUp Education to find students who stopped out and to help them re-enroll and graduate.

Ethical College Admissions: Declaration of Independents

Issues of money need attention in the admissions world, writes Jim Jump.

Another Round of Chaos in College Admissions

The Justice Department doesn't know what it's doing to American colleges, write Robert Massa.

Feds to Cancel Debt of Thousands of ITT Students

The U.S. Department of Education last week began notifying thousands of former ITT Tech students that their outstanding student loan...

Ruling Out Grad Unions

Trump-era labor board wants to make it that much harder for graduate students on private college campuses to form unions. Some say it's overreach.

Feasibility of Free College in Connecticut

Mark Ojakian, president of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system, told state legislative leaders in a letter that he...

Choosing Employers Over College for More Education

Roughly half of American adults without a college degree (46 percent) said they need additional education to advance in their...

Internships as a High-Impact Practice?

Colleges and universities should proceed with caution before they encourage or even require students to have them, argues Matthew T. Hora.