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Promise Scholarships Improve Enrollment and Retention

In recent years a growing number of college "promise" scholarships have popped up around the country. The scholarships cover some...

Digital Learning News in 'Inside Higher Ed' This Week

Among the topics: the count of credentials doubles; how online universities recruit; admissions officers and online students.


High blood pressure could wreak havoc on your gut. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of Toledo Week, Bina...

An Indirect Chilling of Free Speech?

Federal appeals court rules that the University of Michigan's Bias Response Team might not be able to punish students, but it may still have powers that could limit free expression on campus.

‘What’s the Point of College?’

Johann Neem discusses his new book about the need to affirm -- and strengthen -- the liberal arts at a time when reformers are doubting their value and that of higher education.

‘Hope Is the Thing With Feathers’

A Palestinian refugee student who was initially denied entry to the U.S. to attend Harvard University came here with the help of the Hope Fund. The program is helping more than 50 Palestinian students attend U.S. colleges this year.

More SAT Test Takers but Lower Scores

Despite more programming to prepare students for the SAT, underrepresented groups continued to fall behind in 2019.

White Supremacist Alerts

Student activists at UNC Chapel Hill have created a text alert system that warns the campus when racist groups are nearby.