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Cut Too Deep? Tuition Discounting at a Crossroads

This webcast will discuss different strategies campuses are deploying as they seek to bolster their budgets and the best practices...

Biden Plan Focuses on Community Colleges

Joe Biden released a postsecondary education plan Tuesday that draws a further contrast between his presidential campaign and those of...

Political Conflict and American Mathematics

Mathematics is influenced by political events. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of Richmond Week, Della Dumbaugh explains how...

Marketing for a Massive Online University

TV ads helped Southern New Hampshire University become a household name, but with mounting competition and increased scrutiny of spending, getting to the top -- and staying there -- isn't easy.

Fair Leave for Mental Illness

Stanford University will no longer use leaves of absence as a "first resort" for students in crisis.

Community College Revenue Growth

Community colleges that receive property tax revenue have stronger operating performances than those that don't, according to a report from...

Singapore Official: Canceled Course Raised Concerns

Singapore’s minister of education weighed in on the cancellation of a course on dissent at Yale-NUS College, arguing in a...

Capital Campaign Watch: Albion, Butler, Catholic, DePauw, Gustavus Adolphus, Seattle U, U of Wisconsin at Milwaukee

Starting Off: Albion College has announced a $100 million campaign to be raised in the next 18 to 24 months...