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Twitter's Gender Imbalance

Female academics have about half the followers of men on Twitter and wield otherwise diminished influence there, according to a new study. The analysis pertains to medicine, but women across fields say the findings ring true.

Sexual Misconduct at Elite Universities Surveyed

Association of American Universities campus climate survey finds students are more aware of reporting sexual assaults and seeking help.

New Programs: The Zoo, Animal Health, Law

Miami University in Ohio is starting a master's degree with a local zoo in which students will learn from the...

5 Ways to Bring a Growth Mind-Set Into Your Classroom

Higher education suffers from an inertia that sets in when professors who weren't taught how to teach draw from the outmoded teaching styles that they experienced as students, writes Laura Freberg.

Varied Friendships Make Students More Tolerant

Contrary to popular belief about the atmosphere on college campuses, students are able to have and maintain friendships with people they don’t see eye to eye with, a study finds.

Encouraging Tech Grads to Give Back

New grant program encourages computer scientists to think about how their skills might benefit society. But persuading tech grads to turn down high-paying industry jobs won’t be easy.

Free Expression and Government Overreach

Colleges and universities must have the flexibility to deal with matters of conduct without the government looking over their shoulders, argues Sigal Ben-Porath.

Newsom Vetoes SAT and ACT Bill

California governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, has vetoed a bill that would have allowed districts to use the SAT or...