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$50 Million Tax Bill for Harvard

Harvard University expects to pay $49.8 million in federal taxes as a result of the tax reform package passed in...

Court Holds DeVos, Education Dept. in Contempt

A federal district court judge on Thursday held Education Secretary Betsy DeVos in contempt of court for the improper collection...

Controversial Speaker ICEd Out by Penn Students

A noisy protest prompted the University of Pennsylvania to shut down a discussion by a controversial speaker. A debate ensued about whether the university or the students who protested were wrong.

Topic: Trending

Scott McLemee reviews Devon Powers's On Trend: The Business of Forecasting the Future.

UConn Criticized From All Sides in Racial Incident

After university police arrested two students who used N-word, students and national groups say university did too little, while others say it overreacted.

Rules for Making Big Deals

Dozens of institutions have endorsed a set of guiding principles for negotiating contracts that support open-access practices with scholarly publishers.

Perspectives of Gun Violence Victims

Each victim of gun violence has a story to tell. In today's Academic Minute, part of Widener University Week, Mary...

The Loan Landscape for International Students

An industry emerges to issue loans to international students. Interest rates are high, but the companies say they are filling an unmet need and expanding access.