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Health-Care Students on the Front Lines

Nursing programs emphasize infection-control strategies and adherence to protocols as new coronavirus spreads.

Another Tenure Hurdle at Hopkins

Johns Hopkins is finally getting a universitywide tenure committee, but some worry it will hurt the process, not strengthen it.

Pentagon Proposes Cuts to Social Science Research

Trump administration proposes cutting Department of Defense program that funds social science research on topics of national security interest.

Princeton Students Unhappy With NFL Player as Speaker

A group of Princeton University students is unhappy that former National Football League running back Marshawn Lynch was chosen as...

Protecting Enrollments in Times of Risk and Crisis

Faced with potential losses from the coronavirus, some institutions will look for ways to guard against the risk of lost tuition revenue. An emerging form of insurance may be one of them, writes Michael B. Rush.

China Recruitment Disrupted

Survey looks at effect of new coronavirus on Chinese student recruitment and student travel to and from China.

Coronavirus Looms Over March Madness

Two colleges have canceled basketball games with teams on the West Coast two weeks before the tip-off of intercollegiate basketball's most profitable event, the NCAA's March Madness tournament.

Earnings Gains From Master's Degrees

A newly released survey of employers found substantial wage premiums for graduates with master's degrees compared to holders of bachelor's...