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Time and Time Again

Scott McLemee reviews Truls Wyller's What Is Time? An Enquiry.

Academic Minute: The Founding Fathers' Plans

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Jepson School of Leadership Studies Week, Kenneth Ruscio, senior distinguished lecturer of leadership...

Report on Developmental Math Reforms in California

A new report examines how faculty members and administrators at public institutions in California have worked to implement legislation to eliminate most developmental math courses and to use new ways to determine placement into college-level courses.

The New Accessibility: Students With Disabilities and Access to Technology | April 23 at 2:00 PM ET

This webcast will explore the approaches colleges and universities are taking and some of the tough questions institutions are facing...

The Case Against Voting for Charisma

If you want to get elected, be charismatic. In today's Academic Minute, part of Jepson School of Leadership Studies Week...

Trump Administration Takes Aim at Wealthy Universities

Facing criticism from the president and a warning from Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Princeton, Stanford and -- eventually -- Harvard say they won't take millions in stimulus funds to help their needy students.

Grading for a Pandemic

How lenient, or not, should professors be with students right now?

Federal Funding Left Out Some of the Most Vulnerable

Holes in the formula to divvy up coronavirus stimulus funds to higher education left institutions that serve the most needy students underresourced, experts say.