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Links Between Lead Poisoning and Food Insecurity

There are links between lead poisoning and food insecurity. In today's Academic Minute, part of Allegheny College Week, Caryl Waggett...

The Pulse: Greg Fenton of RedShelf

This month's episode of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Greg Fenton, CEO and co-founder of RedShelf, an e-textbook...

Ramping Up for Remote Instruction

Anticipating continued remote instruction this fall, nonprofits, ed-tech companies and institutions race to provide faculty with the resources and training they need to teach well online.

A One-Day Difference

A Trump administration policy could deny education benefits to National Guard members helping states fight the coronavirus. Criticism mounts of plan to end deployment after 89 days instead of the 90 required for eligibility.

Can Active Learning Co-Exist With Physically Distanced Classrooms?

Advocates for active learning worry that their favored approach will be hard to pull off in physically distanced classrooms -- and that instructors will revert to the straightforward lecture.

Coronavirus News Roundup for May 27

Everything you need to know for Wednesday about higher ed and the coronavirus in one easy-to-read package (with some distractions to help your sanity).

FAFSA Renewals Down, Especially for Lower-Income Students

The number of students filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid is still down from this time last year...

Dems Schedule Veto Override on Borrower Defense

The White House did not respond when asked if President Trump plans to veto a resolution passed by the House...