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Academic Minute: Pilgrimages Could Save the Environment

Today on the Academic Minute, part of SUNY Oneonta Sustainability Week, James Mills, assistant professor of geography and environmental sustainability...

Supporting Transfer to Private Colleges

A new Ithaka S+R report explores how to improve transfer pathways between community colleges and nonprofit private four-year institutions. It's...

Purdue Crowdsources Funds for COVID Tests, Classroom Shields

Purdue University is asking alumni and other donors to pony up to protect its students and employees from COVID-19 this...

Virginia Commonwealth Libraries Launch Digital Press

Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries are launching an effort that will spearhead the digital publishing of scholarship by VCU faculty, students...

Bleak NEA Projections on Job Losses

The National Education Association projects that the U.S. stands to lose 1.9 million education jobs, many of them in higher...

How We Value Landscapes

Empty landscapes can be a haven for other forms of life. In today's Academic Minute, part of SUNY Oneonta Sustainability...

What Do We Know About This Spring's Remote Learning?

What should we try to find out? And how might what we learn influence how colleges educate their students this fall and beyond?

Will Cuts Give Way to ‘Systemwide Changes’ at University of Alaska?

The University of Alaska system has for years struggled with declining enrollment and state funding. Forced into a corner, the system's Board of Regents approved massive academic and administrative cuts, but experts say it's not enough to survive long term.