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New Certificate From CityU and Amazon

The City University of Seattle is offering a new technology and computing program with Amazon Global Military Affairs. The program...

President of Valencia College to Retire

The president of Valencia College, which won the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence in 2011, announced his plans to...


Scott McLemee reviews Bernard-Henri Lévy's The Virus in the Age of Madness.

Empowering At-Risk Youth Through Theater

Shakespeare and comedy might give at-risk youth a better path. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of Central Arkansas...

Job Security, Health Fears Make for Uneasy Mix

Lower-level student affairs staff concerned about their safety and their livelihoods are reluctant to speak out as COVID-19 cases surge on college campuses.

Something's Got to Give

Women's journal submission rates fell as their caring responsibilities jumped due to COVID-19. Without meaningful interventions, the trend is likely to continue.

Why Michigan State Reversed Course

Early evidence from universities that tested students returning to campus and from those that didn't test was not encouraging, said Michigan State's president the day after he told undergraduates to stay home this fall.

COVID-19 Roundup: More Pivots, Scrutiny From the Senate

Adjustments at Pitt and Drexel; senators seek answers from a housing developer and data from colleges; was a comedy show necessary?