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More Flexibility in Medical School Admissions

But med school admissions are more competitive than ever before.

Waiting for the Seniors to Apply

Forty-seven percent of all students, and 56 percent of low-income students, have not started applying to colleges yet, says survey of high school seniors.

With Us or Against Us?

Students of color at Haverford and administrators are at a standstill as a boycott of classes continues for a second week. The students are demanding firm commitments to structurally shift the institution and better support for students of color.

Expert Analysis: Youth Voter Turnout Increased

Researchers estimate that youth voter turnout increased by at least five percentage points from the 2016 to 2020 presidential elections...

Principles or Practices?

The model for hosting outside speakers is fundamentally flawed, argues Sarah Stroup, who offers ways to move beyond it.

Academic Minute: Lifestyle Medicine and COVID-19

Today on the Academic Minute, part of SUNY Distinguished Academy Week, Richard M. Rosenfeld, distinguished professor and chairman of otolaryngology...

Macalester President Offers to Pay Bail, Fines for Student Protesters

The college president’s announcement has been met with praise, criticism and a violent threat.

COVID-19 Roundup: Michigan to Reduce Undergrads on Campus

Utah wants to test all students in the state weekly. Three Northeastern colleges transition classes or activities online. Maine reports case cluster affecting facilities employees. Two Midwestern colleges cut football seasons short.