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Awareness of Open Educational Resources Grows, but Adoption Doesn't

As COVID-19 forced professors to embrace digital texts, they were likelier to know about -- but not to use -- free, openly licensed materials. Progress was greatest at colleges that promoted OER, especially minority-serving ones.

No More ‘Divisive Concepts’ in Iowa?

Trump's diversity training ban died at the federal level but is finding new life -- in Iowa.

Oregon State President on Probation

F. King Alexander will be on probation through June after a report detailed mishandling of sexual assault allegations at LSU, where he was president from 2013 to 2019.

Midwest Accreditor to Explore Differences by Sector

The largest regionally based accrediting association announced a program Wednesday that will explore ways in which its assessment of colleges...

A Focus on Critical Feeling

More critical thinking alone isn’t an antidote to the manipulation of their emotions many Americans have experienced during the last several years, argues Michael S. Roth.

Ethics and Diversity Course on Hold

Boise State halts a diversity course for 1,300 students midsemester over a rumored video of a student being “humiliated” for being white. The university hasn't seen the video, but the course was already under scrutiny from state lawmakers.

Liberty University Center Cuts Ties With Second Namesake

Liberty University’s Falkirk Center, which was established in 2019 and quickly became what The New York Times described as “the...

University of Richmond Will Keep Controversial Building Names

University of Richmond leaders are standing firm on their decision to retain the names of a slave owner and a...