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Objectification at Work

How does the culture of the workplace affect objectification of employees? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Virginia's Peter...

Vaccine Mandates: The Next Political Battlefront

As more colleges adopt vaccine requirements for students this fall, the political environment for such mandates in some states becomes more fraught.

Faculty: ‘Gatekeepers’ of Student Mental Health?

Students are increasingly relying on professors for mental health assistance. The instructors are willing -- challenging long-standing perceptions that it’s “not part of the job” -- but they need and want more guidance on how to help, report says.

Union Survey Slams Pennsylvania University Merger Plans

The union representing faculty members and coaches across the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, the Association of Pennsylvania State...

LSU Athletics Official Claims Discrimination and Retaliation in Lawsuit

Sharon Lewis, an associate athletic director at Louisiana State University, filed a lawsuit in federal district court that alleges former...

Cuts Hit Faculty, Philosophy at Western Oregon

Western Oregon University has notified some faculty members of layoffs amid cost-cutting efforts that include the elimination of its philosophy...

Tennessee State Owed Millions by State

The state of Tennessee owes Tennessee State University, its only historically Black public university, between $151 million and $544 million...

The Campus After COVID No. 1

The pandemic recovery may involve reimagining campuses with unused spaces as community hubs and large-scale resource centers, writes Mike Aziz.