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Struggling to Be Heard

Students at the University of Dallas proposed a club focused on racial justice. Some students and faculty members argued the club would be divisive.

Not-So-Fait Accompli

University of Vermont says announced cuts to the liberal arts are happening. The faculty says otherwise. The bigger story: how universities are seizing on COVID-19 to push through long-desired curricular and staffing reforms.

Judge Orders Restoration of DACA

A federal judge on Friday ordered the Trump administration to begin accepting new applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood...

The Week in Admissions News

A maskless campus; more SAT problems; benefits of living on campus; financial aid.

Texas Students Charged in Alleged Drug Trafficking Scheme

Thirteen people, including current and former University of Texas students, have been arrested and charged in connection with trafficking LSD...

M.B.A. Admissions: Newly Flexible

Schools are waiving testing requirements, dropping application fees and extending application deadlines.

Groups Sue to Preserve Trump Presidential Records

Historical groups are suing the Trump administration to prevent the destruction of records before the end of Donald Trump’s term...

Why Johnny Can't Learn Remotely

High schools are not doing a great job with online education, and we shouldn't be surprised, writes Patrick O'Connor.