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Academic Minute: Talking Circles

Today on the Academic Minute: Karla Abbott, associate professor of nursing at Augustana University, explains how talking circles can be...

Google Gifts $50 Million to HBCUs

Google announced a $50 million unrestricted grant to 10 HBCUs. The funds will go toward supporting scholarships, career support programs and technical infrastructure for in-person and remote learning.

Arizona Governor Bars Public Colleges From Requiring COVID-19 Testing

Arizona governor Doug Ducey, a Republican, has issued an executive order barring public universities or community colleges in the state...

For Economic Recovery, Invest in Higher Education Transformation

To ensure that new federal funds help colleges and universities plan for the future, direct some of the money to help institutions transform themselves, John MacIntosh argues.

Gender, Institutions and Bias

Male scholars are assessed more highly by journal editors if it is revealed they work at a top-ranked university, but the same bias does not materialize for female scholars, study finds.

New Presidents or Provosts: Calvin U, Culver-Stockton College, Emporia State U, Flint Hills Technical College, Moorpark College, Pepperdine U, Umpqua CC, Wilkes U

George Arasimowicz, dean of the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Central State University, in Ohio, has been...

Mistrial Renews Concerns About U.S. China Initiative

A hung jury in the case of a researcher accused of concealing his China ties prompts renewed calls to reconsider the Department of Justice's China Initiative.

Complain, Educatedly

When advocating against injustice, one must first put their own adversity, such as discomforts from the pandemic, in perspective, writes student Alexandra Bowman.