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Report: Northwestern Students Stole 4,500 COVID Tests

Two Northwestern University students stole 4,500 COVID-19 tests from the university, The Chicago Sun-Times reported. Most of the tests have...

29 Universities Pledge Support for Climate Goals

The U7+ Alliance of World Universities earlier this week issued a statement declaring its commitment to supporting the climate goals...

Magickal Realism

Scott McLemee reviews The Last Witches of England: A Tragedy of Sorcery and Superstition by John Callow.

Federal Contractor Rule Prompts More Vaccine Mandates

A growing number of major research universities have announced COVID-19 vaccination mandates for employees in recent days, in light of...

Academic Supports for Black Community College Students

The California state Legislature approved $5 million in additional funding for the California Community Colleges to sustain programs that promote...

The Top 10 IT Issues, According to Educause

Embracing digital transformation, ensuring faculty have the necessary digital fluency to engage students, and embracing a blended campus that melds digital and in-person learning are among the Educause top 10 IT issues in higher education.

Equity and Justice in Teaching Quantitative Methods

While such methods are often considered value-free and unbiased, we must recognize how our classroom practices can reinforce oppressive ideologies and narratives, writes Kamden K. Strunk.

Alcohol Companies Benefit From Underage Drinking

How much do alcohol companies benefit from underage drinking? In today's Academic Minute, Boston University's David Jernigan takes a look...