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2 Weeks of Admissions News

Test-free admissions at University of California; for-profit colleges and Pell Grants; inclusive tailgating at Wake Forest; refugees as students.

Reaching Students 1 Year Earlier

Foundation will award college scholarships to high school juniors.

A PATH to Greater Public Transit Access

The PATH to College Act, introduced earlier this month—and included in the House’s version of the Build Back Better Act—would make public transportation more accessible for students at community colleges and minority-serving institutions.

Preserving Tenure: A Term Tenure Proposal

What if tenure was awarded for a set term—say, 35 years—regardless of your age at the time you received it? Herman Berliner explores the advantages.

Agents Aren’t the Problem

Brian Whalen takes issue with a recent opinion piece on agents.

Reimagining Supports to Help Single Moms

A new report outlines the efforts of four community colleges to better support single mothers trying to earn degrees.

UT Austin Ends Inquiry Into Antiracism Study for Children

The University of Texas at Austin said late last week that three professors investigating the effectiveness of an antiracism curriculum...

U of Vermont Faculty Union Demands More Contact Tracing

United Academics, the faculty union at the University of Vermont, has filed a grievance demanding more contact tracing, VT Digger...