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More Bean Burgers, Less Beef

Some colleges are cutting back on red meat in campus dining halls in an effort to fight climate change and prompt students to think about the carbon footprint of the food they consume.

States Warm to FAFSA Requirements

At least six states are considering legislation that would require high school seniors to fill out the federal financial aid form or sign a waiver opting out. Lawmakers say the policies would boost college enrollments and affordability.

Transgender History in Forgotten Places: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Samantha Rosenthal, associate professor of history at Roanoke College, explores the history of trans rights...

Female Athletes File Title IX Suit Against San Diego State

Seventeen female athletes have filed a Title IX lawsuit against San Diego State University alleging they were shorted $1.2 million...

How to Stay Competitive in International Admissions in 2022 | Available On-Demand

With domestic college enrollment across the United States continuing to decline, how can and should higher education institutions redirect their...

More Bean Burgers, Less Beef

Some colleges are cutting back on red meat in campus dining halls in an effort to fight climate change and prompt students to think about the carbon footprint of the food they consume.

Attracting Employees to Restaurants After COVID

How do restaurants attract employees after the Great Resignation? In today’s Academic Minute, York College of Pennsylvania’s Frederick Becker determines...

Digital Books Hasten Decline of Campus Bookstores

Spurred by cost savings and the increasing migration to digital books, many universities are closing brick-and-mortar bookstores.